Update on Provincial Health and Safety Guidance

Posted On Thursday March 10, 2022

March 10, 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Yesterday, the Ministry of Education announced that due to declining rates of COVID-19 in the province, on the advice of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Ontario, many of the pandemic-related safety measures which have been in place in schools are being lifted. Click here to read the news release.

Lifted Safety Measures
When students return to school after the March Break, the following safety measures are no longer required:

  • Mandatory masking in schools, board offices, and on school bus transportation; (please note exceptions outlined below re: returning from travel and isolation procedures)
  • eye protection for staff;
  • cohorting and distancing indoors and outdoors at school;
  • assigned seats and cohorting on student transportation; and
  • completion of the daily confirmation of COVID-19 self-assessment.

It was also announced that gatherings and assemblies will be permitted at regular capacity. This will allow for the return of in-person school-based assemblies, proms and graduation ceremonies.

Although masks and eye protection will no longer be mandatory, students, visitors, families, and staff are welcome to continue wearing masks while at school and/or on the bus.  The school will continue to have masks available to provide to students who wish to use them.

Important Information for March Break Travel
As families prepare to leave for March Break, we want to provide a reminder that notwithstanding the lifting of mandatory masking, under current federal travel requirements, upon return from international travel, for 14 days after re-entry to Canada, individuals must wear a mask at all times when in public spaces (including schools and child care), maintain a list of all close contacts and self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

Continued Safety Measures
One of the best ways to prevent spread of the virus is to ensure that when someone is sick or showing symptoms, they stay home.  Although parents/guardians will no longer have to submit a signature each day, it is expected that everyone continue to self- assess daily using the COVID-19 screening tool.  Students and staff should remain home if they are ill or do not pass the screening tool. 

Following the March Break (on Monday, March 21), the Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB) will continue to use the following safety measures in our schools and offices:

  • appropriate hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette will be promoted and integrated throughout the school day;
  • enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols;
  • enhanced ventilation protocols and standalone HEPA filters will remain in place;
  • masks and eye protection will continue to be provided for any students and staff who wish to wear a mask and/or safety glasses while in our schools and offices; and the
  • ongoing monitoring of COVID-19 impacts and reporting of absenteeism rates to the Durham Regional Health Department 

Isolation Guidelines
Isolation guidelines were also changed effective Wednesday, March 9, 2022. Please refer to the Government of Ontario’s website for the most updated isolation guidelines.

Public Health continues to communicate that vaccination is still the best protection against COVID-19. If you are interested in obtaining a COVID-19 vaccination for your child or yourself, please book an appointment at Durham Region Health Department. The Health Department has provided the following update regarding upcoming immunization clinics during March Break for your consideration.

  • Booster Dose for Youth 12 – 17 and those 18 years of age and older
    Booster doses are now available for all individuals 12 years and older. A booster dose provides an extra layer of protection against COVID-19 and helps lower the risk of severe illness and hospitalization. Youth aged 12 – 17 are recommended to receive a booster dose at least 168 days after their second dose. Learn more about booster doses.

  • COVID-19 Vaccination after COVID-19 Infection
    Individuals who have previously tested positive for COVID-19 are still encouraged to get the vaccine when they become eligible. Read more about how this applies to individuals during first and second dose as well as booster doses.

  • Immunization Clinics During March Break
    Residents are invited to attend one of the COVID-19 immunization clinics that are being offered at select schools during March Break. The clinics are open to all eligible individuals, including children 5 – 11 years old and youth/adults 12 years of age and older for first, second or booster doses. The clinics are walk-in only and no appointments are required.

    • Tuesday, March 15 - Da Vinci Public School, Ajax
      Time: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

    • Wednesday, March 16 - Sunset Heights Public School, Oshawa
      Time: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

    • Thursday, March 17 - St. Monica Catholic School, Pickering
      Time: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The Health Department continues to offer clinics with extended hours for families. These clinics welcome walk-ins and booked appointments. Information about clinic locations, dates and times is located on the clinic calendar.

COVID-19 vaccinations are also available at some pharmacies, select health care providers and at Provincial GO-VAXX mobile clinics. For more information about COVID-19 vaccines, visit their website www.durham.ca/covidvaccines

Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding as we resume activities that have been on pause within our school communities. As a Community of Faith, we will continue to provide safe and welcoming school environments that focus on kindness, consideration and respect towards all.

If you have any questions, please call your school office and speak to a member of our staff. I wish you a safe and relaxing March Break and may God’s blessings be with all of you.  

Yours in Faith,

Tracy Barill
Director of Education