Our Board serves approximately 22,888 elementary and secondary students. We are committed to 21st century learning - ensuring that every student has the tools needed to reach his/her potential and meet the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations.
Our students in elementary school develop the literacy and numeracy skills they need to achieve academic success throughout their educational journey. Building on these foundational skills provides students with the tools they need to achieve their goals and dreams.
We welcome students of all faiths in our Catholic high schools. Our diverse student communities have access to 21st century learning and a variety of programs and services; from religion, art and technology to athletics and Specialist High Skills Majors. We offer Cooperative Education, apprenticeship and continuing education programs to help students find their path beyond high school.
Watch our Check Us Out video to learn why students love their Durham Catholic high schools.
To receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, students must earn 30 credits and complete 40 hours of Christian community involvement hours.
We are a diverse and multicultural school board and welcome students from around the world. Our enriched learning experience is the perfect place for international students to improve their English, make friends, prepare for the future and learn about the Canadian culture.
Our Continuing and Adult Education program provides a variety of credit and non-credit courses for students of all ages - from elementary and secondary students to adults. We empower you to succeed.
If you are new to Canada and looking for English language courses, we can help. We also offer courses to earn your High School Diploma and gain employment skills.
Night school and day school courses are also available. Visit our website at con-ed.ca.
We promote positive mental health and well-being in all of our schools. Events and activities are held throughout the school year to encourage friendship and bullying prevention.
We have developed a Report It tool that allows students to anonymously report a non-urgent bullying incident.