Our intermediate guidance teachers provide guidance and support as students transition within elementary schools and on to high school.
Provide guidance and support as students transition from elementary to high school;
Exposure to a variety of pathways such as: Apprenticeship, College, Community Living, University, Workplace;
Develop students' independence in acquiring the skills needed for career/life planning and making informed decisions;
Promote positive mental health and supporting well-being and resilience;
Assist students with setting and achieving personal goals; and
Encourage students to identify their strengths and interests, what opportunities are available to them, and work towards setting goals.
Ontario's Ministry of Education is committed to addressing system discrimination and helping to break down barriers for Indigenous, Black, and racialized students, students from low-income households, students with disabilities, and students with special education needs. As part of this commitment, the Ministry of Education is removing Academic and Applied courses (de-streaming) in Grade 9 and implementing de-streamed courses. Please click here to view an updated Grade 9 Course Selection planning document. Note that this document will continue to be updated. Please contact your Intermediate Guidance teacher for further details on course selection.
Our Intermediate Guidance teachers support the following schools:
Schools supported by Ms. Dehaney include;
Schools supported by Ms. Hottot include:
Schools supported by Mr. Oldman include:
Schools supported by Ms. Mikhael include:
Schools supported by Ms. Casey include:
Schools supported by Ms. Marshall include:
The Education and Career/Life Planning framework is a four-step inquiry process that students should be asking themselves. To learn more, read the Ministry of Education's Creating Pathways to Success document.
Knowing Yourself
What are my God-given gifts and talents?
What are my interests?
What is my preferred learning style?
Who helps me develop my skills?
How can my skills and strengths help me in school? In my community? In my parish?
What experiences have guided me along my faith journey?
Exploring Opportunities
How can I develop Christian leadership?
How can I become involved at school? In my community? In my parish?
What teams and clubs can I join?
Where can I volunteer my time?
What do I learn about myself when I participate in clubs and teams?
What field of work interests me?
Making Decisions and Setting Goals
What contribution is God calling me to make?
What goals do I have for myself?
What do I learn about myself when I set goals?
How do my goals change as I get older?
What kind of person do I want to become?
How do I demonstrate my Catholic character?
Achieving Goals and Making Transitions
What do I need to do to achieve my goals?
Who can help me achieve my goals?
What do I learn about myself when I reach a goal?
What do I do when I encounter a problem?
Who can I go to for support?
How does my faith support me in challenging times?
Activities to support learning may include:
Activities that support the Ontario curriculum and develop of learning skills (executive skills);
Career Days, guest speakers, and post-secondary school visits;
Exposure to Skilled Trades and secondary programs (Cooperative Education, OYAP, Dual-Credit, SHSM) that support pathways exploration;
Community activities – cross panel experiences with local secondary schools;
Experiential learning activities – connecting curriculum to real life experiences; and
Support with IPP (Individual Pathway Plan) development – MyBlueprint.