A Student Trustee is a secondary student in DCDSB who is elected by their peers on the Student Senate to sit on the Board of Trustees as a non-voting member. Student representation on the Board provides opportunities for student interests to be heard and considered at the Board table. Having Student Trustee views shared at Board meetings informs decisions made by members of the Board.
Durham Catholic District School Board has two Student Trustees representing the interest of students. A Student Trustee assumes office on August 1st of the year they are elected. The term of office ends on July 31st of the year following their election (i.e., a two-year term).
To learn more about becoming a Student Trustee watch our video below or speak with your school’s principal.
Learn more about the DCDSB Student Senate
Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Student Trustees:
In this video, DCDSB students Ololade and Aoife, answer some frequently asked questions about being and becoming a student trustee!
For information on how to become a Student Trustee or to share an idea, issue or comment email walshao@dclive.ca or ajeol@dclive.ca.