School Cash Online is an easy to use, safe way to pay for your children's school fees. Now, with a few clicks, you can pay for your child's yearbook, class trips and so much more from anywhere, anytime. All you have to do is register an account, attach your children and in no time you will be able to make payments online.
Registration for School Cash Online is available by clicking on the "Online School Purchase" button located on homepage of your child's school website.
NOTE: You will need your child/children's OEN number in order to attach them to your profile and complete the registration process. The OEN number is available on your child's report card.
Once you click on "Online School Purchase" from your school's website, select "Get Started Today".
Take a look at the video to learn more.
The Parent Help Desk is available to assist parents/guardians with the registration process, password recovery, accessing your account, or payment issues.
Contact the KEVgroup...
Parent Help Line: 1-866-961-1803