Are you looking for ways to keep your child's learning active over the summer? We have some ideas on how you can prevent summer brain drain by using everyday activities to encourage learning.
We also offer a variety of summer courses and programs to meet the needs of our elementary, secondary and adult students.
Our Continuing and Adult Education program and International Education program provides summer courses for students and adults. We offer a wide selection of courses to meet your needs. We offer the following high school summer credits:
We also offer a variety of summer programs for our elementary students in Kindergarten to Grade 8.
For questions about elementary summer programs or to register online, visit our Continuing Education Centre or call our Ajax Campus at (905) 683-7713.
Our Summer Rays Learning program is a four-week learning and recreation program focused on improving students' literacy and math skills while offering all the benefits of activities such as field trips, games, and arts and crafts. The program is offered 16 days during the month of July from Mondays to Thursdays (no school on Fridays) for students who have completed:
Students are recommended to this program by their current classroom teacher in May and June of each school year.