Over 1000 Student-Athletes get a "Kick" out of Soccer

Posted On Thursday May 18, 2023

For the past two weeks over 1000 elementary student athletes have a had a chance to display their soccer skills at the Whitby FC Indoor Domes. 

Thanks to many of our schools for supplying knowledgeable Gr. 8 refs for our Junior tournaments as well as soccer team members from All Saints, Msgr. Paul Dwyer for overseeing the refereeing duties for our Sr. tournaments. 

As you can imagine such a large event would not be possible without the numerous volunteer DCDSB staff coaches that were able to mentor 38 Jr. Co-Ed. teams (gr. 4-6) and 36 Co-Ed. Sr. teams (gr. 7-8). 

Durham Elementary Catholic Athletics (D.E.C.A.) sport would not be possible with our coaching mentors that their take the time from their day to host try outs and practices, communicate with parents and take teams these types of events. 

Your efforts are appreciated! 

Daily supervisors Sean Brown, Tony Formosa, Sean Molony and Chis Bolotenko made sure that each day ran smoothly, and 

a special shout out goes to DECA Soccer Coordinator Mark Bevilacqua for the scheduling, organization and communication that is involved to give all these teams a chance to display their God-given talents.

Students are now looking forward to the last two DECA events that remain in this school year - Cricket and Track & Field!