DCDSB announces the resignation of Trustee for the Town of Whitby

Posted On Tuesday December 15, 2020

At the Regular Board Meeting of Monday, December 14, 2020, Morgan Ste. Marie, Chair of the Durham Catholic District School Board, announced the resignation of Tricia Chapman, Trustee for the Town of Whitby.

Since assuming the role of trustee in 2014, Tricia held the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair, and was an active participant on the Indigenous Education Advisory Committee, Student Senate, Special Education Advisory Committee and the Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee, among others. While in the role of Chair and Vice-Chair, she also represented trustees as a member of the Durham Catholic Children’s Foundation Board of Directors.

"Thank you Tricia, for your insight, enthusiasm, time and energy, along with your thoughtful input on the board priorities impacting the best interest of our students,” said Chair Ste. Marie. “On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I wish you all of the best in your new endeavours," he said.

“Tricia’s many contributions as a dedicated advocate for Catholic education and students of the Durham Catholic District School Board are a testament to the significant role she has fulfilled as a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Trustee for the Town of Whitby. Thank you for serving students and families in our faith-filled learning community,” said Tracy Barill, Director of Education. 

The process for filling the position of Trustee for the Town of Whitby will be available at www.dcdsb.ca in the coming weeks.