DCDSB Certified Canada EcoSchools

Posted On Tuesday June 25, 2024

Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB) is excited to announce the 2023-2024 Certified Canada EcoSchools! As of June 10, 2024, DCDSB celebrates 33 EcoSchools, including five Platinum schools, 21 Gold schools, and seven participant schools (green). Special congratulations to All Saints Catholic Secondary School, Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School, St. Bernard Catholic School, St. Monica Catholic School and St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School for certifying Platinum this year. Congratulations to our dedicated staff, students and community members on your success with the EcoSchools Program, and we look forward to your continued success next year!

EcoSchools Canada offers a certification program for elementary and secondary schools that helps incentivize, track and reward environmental actions that reduce energy and waste, raise awareness and incorporate environmental learning into the curriculum. Learn more about EcoSchools at https://ecoschools.ca/.