Recently, Durham Catholic District School Board elementary and secondary students have been learning on the land with community partner Beedahbin Peltier.
Exploring Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Biodiversity
Grade 7 students at Monsignor John Pereyma joined Beedahbin for an outdoor walk to learn about trees, water, animals and plants and how Indigenous Science and Ways of Knowing support healthy biodiversity.
Discovering the Interconnectedness of Nature
Beedahbin has also been leading learning in the Contemporary Indigenous Perspectives in a Global Context (NDW) classes across the Board.
Emphasizing the link between Anishinaabemowin and ecology, these sessions are helping students develop a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things and our role in that relationship.
That learning was put into action when classes harvested ingredients and prepared minigan (salve), demonstrating the health and well-being benefits that can be found in nature.