A Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a Ministry of Education approved program that allows students to focus their learning on a sector specific skills, while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Graduation Diploma (OSSD).
The SHSM program provides students with career-related learning that helps students focus on an economic sector. The SHSM program also help students transition from high school to:
- apprenticeship training; or
- college; or
- university; or the
- workforce.
Every SHSM must include the following components, which are outlined in detail in individual guides for each sector:
- a bundle of 8 to 10 Grade 11 and Grade 12 credits related to a specific industry sector;
- compulsory sector-recognized certification and training such as CPR, Standard First Aid and WHMIS;
- experiential learning and career exploration activities;
- 2 Cooperative Education credits;
- reach ahead opportunities that focus on sector-related post-secondary school destinations; and
- essential skills and work habits.
Pursuing a SHSM allows students to:
- discover the relationship between education and an economic sector;
- customize their secondary school education to suit specific interests and talents;
- develop specialized knowledge and skills that are valued by the sector and postsecondary educational institutions;
- earn credits that are recognized by the sector and post-secondary educational institutions;
- gain sector-specific, industry-recognized and career-relevant certifications and training;
- develop essential skills and work habits that are valued by the sector and recorded using the tools in the Ontario Skills Passport (OSP);
- identify, explore and refine career goals and make informed decisions about their post-secondary pathway;
- gain confidence in their ability to succeed;
- network with post-secondary institutions, local industries and businesses; and
- open doors for summer jobs and future employment opportunities.
Students who successfully complete a SHSM receive:
- an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with an embossed red seal indicating "Specialist High Skills Major";
- a SHSM Record Card documenting his/her achievement; and
- formal recognition on his/her Ontario Student Transcript.
Please contact your Guidance Department for more information about the SHSM programs in your high schools.