Pope Francis has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year with the theme, Pilgrims of Hope. The DCDSB is reflecting upon how we are Living in Hope as we journey towards the upcoming Jubilee. Elementary school Adult Faith Ambassadors and secondary school Chaplains recently engaged in a full day of learning to support their role in providing school staff faith formation experiences.
As part of the day, participants created personal hope stones as a reminder of the way they are called to live in hope and to place their trust in the promises of Christ. They also created smaller hope stones with the suggestion that these could be included in a communal jar to be available throughout the year for staff to gift to colleagues who might need a little extra hope in their day. These stones would serve as a tangible sign that we are to be hope for one another. A number of schools engaged in this hope stone activity on the November 15 PA Day. Featured here is the jar of hope stones created by the Academic Services staff.