DCDSB and OECTA Durham Secondary Teachers’ Unit Announce New Agreement

Posted On Tuesday May 07, 2024

Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB) and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) Durham Secondary Unit are pleased to announce they have ratified a new collective agreement. OECTA Durham Secondary represents the board's secondary and continuing education teachers. 

“The DCDSB values our secondary and continuing education teachers, who are represented by OECTA Durham Secondary. These educators have a profound impact on the faith formation and academic achievement of our students,” said Monique Forster, Chair of the DCDSB Board of Trustees. “I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the union representatives and board staff for their efforts to reach a renewed collective agreement. The new agreement represents our shared mission to be an inclusive Catholic learning community that inspires every student to achieve their full potential through faith and education.” 

The DCDSB remains committed to working closely with all partners to provide outstanding Catholic education to approximately 22,500 elementary and secondary students in Durham Region, in addition to thousands of adult and continuing education learners.