An IPRC meeting is a school-based meeting to decide whether or not a student should be formally identified as "a student whose behavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical or multiple exceptionalities are such that he or she is considered to need placement in a special education program". There are no additional services or programs associated with formal identification through an IPRC in our Board.
A parent or the school can request an IPRC. Once requested, the principal has fifteen days to provide the parent with a copy of the Parent's Guide to Special Education and a written statement of when the IPRC will convene. The time of the meeting should be convenient for both the parents and school.
Parents and students who are 16 years of age or older are entitled to be present at and participate in all committee discussions and be present when the committee's identification and placement decision is made. Parents are allowed to bring their own representative to the meeting, however they must inform the principal in advance. At an IPRC meeting, the parent or principal may request the attendance of one or more of the following people:
Please note - Parents can request the services of an interpreter through the principal.
Members of an Identification Placement and Review Committee
In our Board, members of an IPRC include:
Parents and/or students who are 16 years of age or older are entitled to be present at and participate in all committee discussions and to be present when the committee's identification and placement decision is made. Parents are allowed to bring their own representative to the meeting, however they must inform the principal in advance.
Either parent or the principal may request the attendance of the others at the IPRC meeting such as;
Parents may request the services of an interpreter through the principal.
Before the IPRC meeting, the parent will receive a copy of the IPRC information package that the Chair of the IPRC is given. This package may include the results of the assessments or a summary of information about the student's progress to date. During the IPRC, the members of the committee will consider any information that they feel is required to make an appropriate identification or placement decision including:
The committee may discuss any proposal that has been made about a special education program or special education services for the student including any proposal made by the parent, or the student, if the student is 16 years of age or older. Parents are invited to participate fully in the discussions. Once all information has been presented and considered, the committee will make its decision.
Since the Durham Catholic District School Board supports the practices of full inclusion, the placement decision in an IPRC meeting is generally determined to be the regular classroom with varying degrees of indirect, resource, or withdrawal support.
The IPRC's written statement of decision will include:
A special education program is an educational program that is based on and modified by the results of the continuous assessment and evaluation. It includes an Individual Education Plan containing:
If on has not already been created, an Individualized Education Plan must be created after a child has been placed in a special education program through the IPRC process. The principal must ensure that the parent is consulted in its development and receives a copy of it within 30 days of being placed in a special education program.
Once a child has been formally identified through the IPRC process and placed in a special education program, an IPRC review meeting will be held each school year, unless the principal receives written notice from the parent, dispensing of the annual review.
A parent may request an IPRC review meeting any time after the child has been in a special education program for three months. Parents will be advised of the date of the annual review committee meeting.
In the Durham Catholic District School Board, there must be at least three members of the school team at the annual review with the principal or designate acting as Chair. In some situations, the Family of the Schools Coordinator and/or the Family of Schools Superintendent may request to attend.
Either the parent or the principal may request the attendance of others at the IPRC review meeting such as:
Parents may request the services of an interpreter through the principal.