We invite you to visit this webpage often for fun learning activities for each day of the week. We hope you will share some of your ideas with us on Twitter and Instagram and stay connected with the hashtag #DCDSBKeepLearning.
Ministry of Education's Learn at Home Resource
Students can also access learning resources on DCDSB's LaunchPad Learning Portal. Students can login with their username and password that they normally use at school. If you don't know your username or password, students can contact their teacher via Edsby.
Edsby's Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Learn from home
Below are some offline and online activities that students can complete at home. Feel free to mix and match and choose the activities that work best for you and your family. Remember to incorporate movement breaks in between activities such as walking up and down stairs, jumping jacks or lunges. Visit our Daily Physical Activity page for a list of activities.
In celebration of June being Indigenous History Month, we have gathered some resources that students can complete at home to learn more about Indigenous culture and heritage.
This site provides a variety of resources aimed to support our students with special education needs while they continue to learn from home.
The links below include resources and tip sheets for parents from our Student Services department as well as online and offline resources from community agencies and outside organizations. The majority of resources linked from this document are operated by organizations outside of the Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB). These organizations are solely responsible for the operation and information found on their sites. Linking from this document does not imply any endorsement of the organization or information found on the website. The tools have been reviewed by our Student Services staff for suitability to a variety of learning styles and abilities.
As families access these resources, any comments or inquiries regarding the linked web sites should be directed to the organization hosting the information. When using any online resources users should always consider privacy and digital citizenship and be cautious of providing personal information online.
Please click the links below for students who require support with:

Some Math activities to do at home.
French resources for Math
Camp TFO and Idéllo offer over 11,000 educational resources: videos, games, websites, apps and teaching tools to support educators, students and families for students in Kindergarden to Grade 12, Core French and French Immersion.
Pearson Mathologie is available in French and English for students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 French Immersion programs. Little Books help students see math in everyday activities and learn essential skills of critical thinking, problem solving, communicating mathematically.
- FSL Homework Toolbox supports students and caregivers with wide range of audio and video resources. A large variety of vocabulary shared for both FI and Core French students along with references to support literacy and numeracy. Click on “Toolbox” to practise listening to common French words and expressions.
- Table de Multiplication offers a variety of one digit multiplication activities/ games.
- La souris provides a listing of online games, activities to support primary numeracy.
- Taka t'Muser provides simple and engaging online games to reinforce math skills
The activities found at Quel est l’intrus are based on the website 'Which one doesn't belong?'.
Time for some coding fun!
- Check out this fun offline coding activity you can introduce to your child with a deck of cards: http://ow.ly/LVV350yUs6J
- Create a digital video.
- Code your name using lego and this binary chart.
- Hour of Code
- GetCyberSafe is a resource for adults (parents) that describes some of the challenges with being safe on the internet for children, individuals, businesses, etc. There are links to lots of resources and in available in English and French.
- Media Smarts is a Canadian non-profit agency that has a variety of resources for parents, students and educators. https://habilomedias.ca/
- c_Wonder At Home - The Faculty of Engineering at Ontario TechU offers four categories of resources including a link to their live Engineering events every Tuesday and Thursday.
- June 6, 2020, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Ontario Tech University together with Inspire Tech Canada is running the first of its kind interactive SMR X Hackathon Challenge.
French resources

Take time on Thursdays to Think. Imagine. Create.
- Take time to view inspiring TED Talks from speakers who share their big ideas. Here are some from our past @TEDxStmary events:
- What are your ideas of a Future City?
- Learn a new skill such as how to sew a button, change a tire or cook dinner.
- Build a structure out of recycled materials in your home or build a blanket fort.
- Build a baking soda volcano
- Research a career in the Skilled Trades or a Pathway.
- Visit the Ontario Science Centre for Learn at Home Science Experiments.
- Earth School - A 30 day immersive nature adventure.
French resources for Science
- Idéllo offers multimedia content in French for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 in Core French and French Immersion. Over 11,000 educational resources: videos, games, websites, apps and teaching tools to support educators, students and families.
- EduMedia is an interactive resources for learning science and linked to provincial curriculum.
- Les explorateurs is an online magazine for primary FI students and offers activities, videos and digital games.
- La souris offers a listing of online games, activities to suit a variety of language learners.
BrainPOP is and engaging learning game website with animated videos and activities based on core subject areas for French Immersion such as Science. This site challenges students to reflect, make connections and engage in deeper curiosity driven learning.

As a community of faith, let's remember to keep prayer as part of our day during this unprecedented time.
- Watch Mass daily with Cardinal Thomas Collins. Livestream starts at 7:30 a.m. Eastern Time
- Salt & Light TV has created Faith in the Time of COVID-19
- Subscribe to Living Lent Daily to receive an email to a 3 minute retreat video centred around a scripture passage, some reflective questions, a prayer and background meditative music.
- Continue your Lenten journey and complete activities on DCPIC's Lenten Calendar.
- Create a prayer table in your home or room.
- Pray the Rosary as a family.
- Prayer for students during a pandemic.
- The Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ Student-Home website features videos, songs, bible stories, prayers, interactive activities and more—all designed for students and families to explore their faith together. Login with Username: GIFGIC_student99 and Password: Student99
- Novali and Living with Christ offers audio recording of a Good Friday reflection for children, a children's guided mediation, ideas for what you can do at home at Easter, and a craft activity where kids can make a Crown of Thorns.
- May 3-8 is Catholic Education Week
There are a number of resources available on our Catholic Education Week web page. Each day of the week features a different theme for Igniting Hope.
- You are also invited to join a province wide Mass with His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins on May 6, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Visit https://www.stmichaelscathedral.com/live to participate in Mass.
- Resources for Primary, Junior and Intermediate students. Try the following Kahoots: