The Stand Up, Be Counted, Be Heard Student Census was conducted in April 2022, and collected quality and confidential student demographic data that will enable evidence-based decision making, while helping to remove barriers to student success.
Our goals were to:
Understand and support the diversity of students and families;
Eliminate barriers to student success;
Enrich students’ learning by providing the right supports, at the right time, while making schools a safer, more welcoming space to belong to.
As part of our commitment to equity and inclusion, the Durham Catholic District School Board conducted a student census in April 2022. The Stand Up, Be Counted, Be Heard Student Census was a voluntary survey that offered students in Grades 4 to 12 an opportunity to share their identities, cultures, race, ethnicities, gender, and abilities.
The data collected from the student census will be used to help us better understand the composition of the DCDSB student population as the Durham Region continues to grow. We will also use census data to produce reports on student achievement, programs, supports and activities at our schools.
School boards are responsible to use the student census data to see if there are any over or under-representations of student groups in specific areas of programs or services. Student census data is used to reveal trends or gaps within our system leading to actions for improving school climate, enhancing learning environments and removing barriers for equal opportunities and outcomes.
The following response summary is separated by question. The data shared should be interpreted with the following understanding:
Question: If you said “Yes, I do consider myself a person with a disability”, select all that apply.