Anytime there is a need to discuss a student's program, academic progress, behaviour, or social interaction, a school team meeting is planned by the following people:
A parent or guardian can also ask for a school team meeting. The meeting is held at the student's school in a timely manner. Information is shared about the student's strengths and needs and through discussion, a plan of action is developed.
The following members may participate in a school team meeting:
The principal, vice-principal or Program Support teacher will chair the meeting. The Chair will introduce everyone in attendance and describe their roles. The Chair then leads everyone through the agenda. Participants are invited to provide information about the student and discuss the current issue. Information provided by parent(s) and guardian(s) is important part of the discussion. Dialogue often leads to an action plan. At the end of the meeting, parent(s) or guardian(s) are asked to sign a copy of the meeting report which includes a summary of issues discussed and the plan of action.
Following the meeting, parent(s) or guardian(s) are given a copy of the report for their records. The original copy is kept in the student's Ontario Student Record (OSR) at the school. If services are to be provided by Student Services staff, then a copy of the report is also kept in the Student Services department.
The plan of action may include:
Assessment may include:
For more information, contact your child's principal or call the Student Services department at 905-576-6150 ext. 22279.